Sunday, January 1, 2012

Angelic Imagination

I wonder if angels and demons have imaginations.

Does He allow them to participate in the ongoing creation process in a way that requires imagination, as He allows us? Or are imaginations like bodies; restricted to those of us formed in His image?

Angelic beings are rational, and I wonder if imagination is required for independent reasoning. Can reason exist without the capability for envisioning outcomes?

Aquinas and Descartes didn't think so, but I'm not sure why.

I need to think about this more...


Diane Marie Hall said...

Their imaginations must be extraordinary!
The vastness of which my thoughts wonder in awe of...

Cromwell said...

He made us all. We think "out there" but it is "in, all around us", we affect the whole, when we are not in sync with creation and the creator, chaos happens, just saying, I tried it "my way, the way I was taught", or "God's way, the way it is"....God's way is the only way.